Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Running Shoes

I feel that the most important item in our crazy little sport of running is shoes.

You need to invest in a good pair of shoes! I've been putting off buying a pair since I need new tires on my car. I can't justify spending $100 on a pair of shoes when I know I need $800 for tires. Yes $800!

But aren't running shoes just as important as tires? Technically speaking tires are the shoe of a vehicle. Gets you from point A to point B; and good tires means safety. So why am I putting off my running shoes? Shoes get you from the start line to finish line; and good shoes mean no injury.

Running with Friends

So I intended to 5.5 miles - Ooops!

It's a good oops of course! It just shows you that running with the company of friends makes the time go by faster.

And I've been running a good steady 11 min mile on all of my runs. Makes me wonder how I ever ran races in the 8:15-8:30 min mile range. It's like I'm starting all over again. One thing that helped me with my speed work was pushing a stroller while running. With that being said I can't wait to start running with my training partners again! Is it Spring yet?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Two Things

There are two things that make running and training fun:
1) Music and/or
2) Running friends.

Both make the time and distance so much easier! Looking forward to this Saturday's run with an old friend. Can't wait!

Happy training!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ariel is swimming with the fishes - literally

RIP Ariel. What happened? According to Katie "Mama you flush princess down the toilet!" 

Only believe half of what you hear.

So what really did happen? Katie went potty and we were saying "Bye bye pee-pees" when all of a sudden Ariel slipped out of her skirt and went down the potty. How traumatizing for a two-year-old and her favorite doll! She started bawling. I explained to her it was an accident. She looked at her dad and said "Dada, you go buy me a new one?" 

As I sit here blogging. Katie is still telling the tall tale of me flushing her princess down the toilet. While her dad is shopping at Target for a new Ariel. And we have a new rule in the house of "No toys in the bathroom".

But seriously, how funny is it that Ariel is the princess that is swimming with the fishes?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a great New Year! Mine was very relaxing and I wouldn't want it any other way!

So what's your resolution? 

Is it to get in shape? Become more athletic? If you are training for the Cleveland Marathon that will come. I'm not stressing out too much about losing my last 20 lbs of pregnancy weight because I know once I increase my mileage the pounds will shed off.

My resolution this year is to yell less. My 2.5 yr old always says "Mama stop yelling". I tell her I wouldn't have to if she listened. I think it'll be difficult but know it's a challenge I'll succeed at. My mom always told me "You can do anything you set your mind to". And it's true.

Run 13.1 miles? Check.
Run 26.2 miles? Check.
Lose weight? Check.
Fulfill my childhood dream of being on the radio? Check.
Finish college? At the age of 33?! (Going to be a) Check (this year).

But I think my biggest accomplishment in life isn't running a marathon, or my career in radio, or my BBA. It's marrying my best friend in 2004, starting a family with him in 2010, and growing our family in 2012. 

I pray that my girls listen to my good motherly advice (as I did with my mom). Because if they live by the motto "You can do anything you set your mind to" they will succeed at anything and everything!