Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ariel is swimming with the fishes - literally

RIP Ariel. What happened? According to Katie "Mama you flush princess down the toilet!" 

Only believe half of what you hear.

So what really did happen? Katie went potty and we were saying "Bye bye pee-pees" when all of a sudden Ariel slipped out of her skirt and went down the potty. How traumatizing for a two-year-old and her favorite doll! She started bawling. I explained to her it was an accident. She looked at her dad and said "Dada, you go buy me a new one?" 

As I sit here blogging. Katie is still telling the tall tale of me flushing her princess down the toilet. While her dad is shopping at Target for a new Ariel. And we have a new rule in the house of "No toys in the bathroom".

But seriously, how funny is it that Ariel is the princess that is swimming with the fishes?

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